Sun-Charge Your Home.

Power your home cleanly. Reliably. For Less.

We only use high end, high power panels.

Sun Charge Solar will only install high power solar panels on your home. We believe going solar is an investment for your future. We want your future to shine for a long time.

We work with several high end solar panel manufacturer to ensure you receive the best solution at the best prices. The industry evolves fast but we catch up faster!

All of our Solar panels have a minimum industry leading warranty of 25-30 years.


SunCharge Solar is your one stop shop for everything solar. From flexible designs, City permitting, Repairs on existing systems and additions.

Everything solar.

Because the Sun doesn’t stand still.

 Store unused energy for later use.

The future of solar technology is here today. Energy storage technologies have drastically changed over the past years. Today’s batteries can store more energy, in smaller packages and at lower costs.

These systems have enough storage capacity to keep your home up and running during a blackout so you can rest assured that your home will stay lit and your family will stay safe.


 Track Your Solar Production.

With various monitoring applications, you can track your overall energy and per-panel energy production data, monitor your system’s health, and share your data with family and friends, all from a simple, easy-to-use interface.

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 Monitor on go.

You can check your system’s status at-a-glance without scrolling and still dive into the details of your system’s health and performance, per-panel production all while on-the-go. You can view overall energy and per-panel energy production data within a single click as well as overviews of your energy consumption and storage (if applicable).

Generator Back-up

The ultimate solution for energy independence, when the weather is cloudy for multiple days and your home needs power.

ALL of our battery back-up systems are Generator READY for a seamingless integration.